Reconstructing families experiencing emotional and behavioural challenges of the intergenerational impacts of post-traumatic stress
More Than Normal provides a range of culturally-relevant, appropriate and meaningful services by highly qualified and trained Practitioners. The rates listed are for non-funded services. Most of our services may be eligible for a Medicare or Private Health Insurance rebate and some may be eligible for Bulk-billing. Talk to us about our "off-grid" rates.
EAP (Employee Assistance Program)
EAP is a confidential, short-term psychosoclal support service provided by independent authorised practitioners to enable opportunities for employees to work more productively in their workplace. It also extends to immediate family members. Employers benefit by supporting you to be at your best, while complying with new WHS laws. You benefit by developing effective strategies for self-optimisation.
We attempt to match you and/or your staff member with one of our competent and qualified specialists to provide personalised one-on-one mental health supports.
Family Consult
Medicare and Insurance bulk-billing available (*)
Our specialist clinicians provide appropriate, relevant and meaningful strategies to optimise communication, identity and purpose through Focused Psychological Strategies and innovation.
Bulk-billing available.
Court Advocacy
We provide Expert Specialist advocacy and representation regarding heritable qualities of trauma and its psychological and behavioural impacts across generations.
Telephone Consult
Medicare and Insurance Bulk-billing available (*)
Via standard mobile or landlines our Clinicians can provide mental health support sessions.
Mental Health Safety in the Workplace Training
Under the Workplace Health & Safety Act of each Australian State, it is now law for all workplaces to embed an active Code of Conduct to minimise risk of mental illhealth and emotional harm to all employees (Link to QLD). More Than Normal is ideally situated to guide and support you to be optimally inclusive in risk assessment for workers' mental health through our practically and strategically developed support programs. Most other programs are standardised. More Than Normal empowers your organisation through exclusive access to its strategic and specialised programs that are backed by both established, and emerging empirical research that effectively compliments the vast body of lived-experience our team of Clinicians possess. Get the Edge over your competition. Be more than average. Be More Than Normal.
Individual Consult
Medicare and Insurance Bulk-billing available (*)
Our Clinicians are appropriately accredited, authorised and trained to provide both mainstream mental health supports and those specific to First Response and Military cultures.
Crisis Response Service
(includes Critical Incident Debriefing)
All Clinicians have both our specialised training in Crisis Response therapies as well as lived experience to ensure authentic understanding of natural disasters, emergencies and critical incidents.
Leadership & Management Coaching & Mentoring
Exploit our specialist knowledge of strategies to optimise your leadership and management potentials through our tailored coaching and mentoring program. Focus on identifying and drawing out the best in your team and workforce. Neurodivergence included.
NDIS Psychological Services
Our Clinicians are all appropriately authorised to provide specialist mental health supports to NDIS participants with a focus on what CAN be done rather than what cannot through capacity building and social role valorisation.
Formal Clinical Supervision
Current and emerging practitioners keen to specialise in meaningful mental health supports to First Response and Military individuals and families impacted by traumatic stress can access our innovative therapeutic models and approaches and receive formal supervision from accredited practitioners.
School Presentation
One of our leading specialist Clinical Consultants can provide a presentation to the parents and teaching staff of your School Community AT NO COST TO YOUR SCHOOL. We are so utterly dedicated to reducing and eliminating the systemic misunderstanding of the true potentials of our children, that we will talk to your people at our expense, not yours. (Just put on light refreshements and we'll call it even).
Rural, Remote & Isolated services
As most of us come from rural backgrounds, More Than Normal practitioners are skilled in providing the critical element of "understanding" when assisting people and families from rural, remote and isolated communities.
Mens' mental health
Select clinicians at More Than Normal specialise in the provision of gender-relevant, appropriate and meaningful supports and strategies to assist men experiencing a wide range of critical social and personal struggles. These are built on the neurological evidence of gender-specific tendencies.
Career counselling
Many people seeking promotion or career may have struggled to find the right job or path and been in and out of work for a long time. This may be because their qualities to contribute are not understood, or misunderstood. More Than Normal offers a unique perspective in assisting candidates to assess and promote their inherent employable qualities, even if no duty description exists for them....yet. We can help you get the edge over other candidates, and be more than average. We can help you become More Than Normal.
Couples & Relationship Counselling
Life happens. Love happens. Communication breakdown happens. Break-ups happen. More Than Normal clinicians are available to walk beside you during these times of confusion and distress and provide strategic, appropriate and meaningful supports, therapy and understanding.